Tales Of The Abyss Gamefaqs
Tales Of The Abyss Gamefaqs 4,2/5 6717 votes

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Tales of the Abyss, the first game in the series to make use of the free run system for its 3d battles, is probably the best entry in theTales of the Abyss, the first game in the series to make use of the free run system for its 3d battles, is probably the best entry in the franchise so far and has aged very well. The world of Auldrant is extremely well portrayed, and the plot is convincing, deep and enthralling till the ending credits, with a solid, likeable cast that will often surprise you with their interactions and they way they develop during the game's events.
The game is also filled to the brim with optional scenes that will make a lot of difference if you want to fully understand what's going on, and the Tales series' skits are a nice way to have a constant feedback from your party members. All those features make the game extremely lengthy, too: with all the side material this game can last even more than 100 hours.
The battle system is also great, and makes use of the 3d arena by allowing you to freely move your characters and build up combos of skills and magics in extremely fast paced action battles. The PS2 version had some issues, like the unnerving loading times and glitched world map, but this 3DS port completely solved them, making this the definitive way to enjoy this game.
  1. Tales Of The Abyss Gamefaqs Ps4
  2. Tales Of The Abyss Walkthrough

Tales Of The Abyss Gamefaqs Ps4

  1. Tales of the Abyss Walkthrough Part 22: Arriving In Chesedonia - Duration: 14:44. Leonyasch 4,223 views. Tales of the Abyss Walkthrough Part 28: Sidequests In Baticul - Duration: 14:43.
  2. Yeah I know, 'Gamefaqs is that way' 'wtf Gamefaqs' etc., but I'm fresh off of completing Tales of Vesperia, and as a long-time fan of the series I'm really interested to see how everyone else would rank the games.
  3. Oct 10, 2006  Tales of the Abyss is a familiar but entertaining role-playing game with a charming cast of characters that helps sustain the lengthy story. 8 Tales of the Abyss Launch Trailer.
  4. Tales of the Abyss follows the story of the young aristocrat, Luke fon Fabre. Kidnapped seven years ago, Luke returns to his family with no memories of his life before. In order to protect him, Luke's family keeps him confined to the quite lifestyle of the palace.
  5. With Luke reading the letters from his friends he decides to try and unite with them all, starting with Tear in Yulia City We also get the Autopilot feature.

Tales Of The Abyss Walkthrough

I really liked the 3DS Chronological Sidequest faq on gamefaqs even though I have Abyss on PS2. If there were any differences, they are pointed out, so it doesn’t.